BUILD | RAID |Reward

Join an epic quest of combat & exploration to take back the magical Mobley homeland.

Create and safeguard your Shire, then build your team, gather resources and conquer foes. 

Face off against fierce enemies, unlocking hidden treasures as you go.

play for keeps

Elder’s Grace is a cross-genre, cross-web Action-RPG meets strategy game where you’ll build and protect customized strongholds while creating specialized teams to explore and plunder others. Find the secret treasure and it’s yours to keep!

game overview


Craft & collect room maps, blocks, & defense items to unleash your most foreboding Shire designs. Create deadly blockades, contraptions and magical spells to safeguard the treasure hidden within. Add monstrous defenders to further thwart invader attacks.


Explore the richest player created or AI generated targets. Prepare your Mobley team through training quests, battles and even breeding. Select 3 of your best raiders and send them in. Fight your way through monsters, booby traps and puzzles to locate secret treasure. Find it, and it’s yours to keep.

PVPvE Mode - There Can Only Be One

Last Mobley Standing is an expanded battle royale mode where players select their best Mobley hero to explore & fight through dungeons full of monsters, dangers and of course, other heroes. Time is ticking, so players must strategically defeat enemies, mazes and puzzles to advance. Only the most skillful will overcome to claim final victory.


Stronghold defense cards can be upgraded to access enhanced building features & powers. And Mobley performance & abilities can be augmented via experience, gem collection and breeding.

Rewards | Earn

With skill, wit and a bit of magic, Web2 & Web3 players help the Mobley’s in their righteous quest, earning valuable rewards along the way. Cross-web players unlock mystery features, earn potions, in-game currency and even tokens. And of course, players keep treasure captured OR successfully protected during conquests.

Fun - On or Off Blockchain

Cross-Web gameplay offers seamless, robust and rewarding adventures for Web2 & Web3 players, alike. Traditional players can upgrade to an On-Chain experience any time, or not at all. It’s fun, either way. Blockchain mode allows players to own their creations and earn tokens.  Unlocking access to buy, sell, or trade owned digital assets on the marketplace.

game lore

The elder mobley

In a realm once peaceful, the Mobley faced devastation as mysterious invaders swept across their cherished homeland from distant shores.

In a desperate quest for a solution, ten Elder Mobley embarked on an ancient ritual, wielding the elements' power. Yet, after years of intense battles, victory eluded both sides.

Determined to vanquish the Accursed Horde, the Elder Mobley dared a forbidden ritual, bequeathing their powers to all Mobley, but paying the ultimate price—their lives.

From this noble sacrifice, the next generation forged potent weapons and magical artifacts, harnessing the Elders' might.

Now, the call to arms resounds, summoning YOU to join the fight. Reclaim the Mobley homeland and etch your name in legends.       

 Will you answer?


bella & Layla

TWIN sisters Bella and Layla were as opposite as sisters could be. Calm and serene, Bella was considered an intellectual amongst the Mobley, often spending her time in the great libraries they had constructed.

Her time in these libraries led to great discoveries. From ancient combat techniques to weapons of war, she was pivotal in the fight against the enemy. Most important of all was the ritual that would grant the Elders their power.

Wild and loud, Layla preferred to be free, she preferred spending her time running amongst the land. She could not be contained by city life and preferred not to spend too much time in one place.

Still, she loved her sister as fiercely as she valued her independence and was quick to heed the call when it came time to perform the ritual to defend their home.

Much like their personalities, their powers manifested in opposite ways. Bella found power in the light, using her skills to heal those who had been wounded in battle. Her powers saved the lives of many Mobley


THOUGH the Elder Mobley were often seen as a loose collective, few would argue that Ember was their leader. Headstrong and brave, Ember was always willing to make the most difficult of decisions.

His bravery often led to recklessness and be was the first to agree to the untested ritual that would grant the elders their powers.
Caring little for consequences, Ember was willing to do whatever it took to defend his homeland.

It did not come as much of a surprise that Ember bonded with the very element that his name derived from. Matching his fiery temper, Ember used the power of the flames to drive the forces of the enemy away.

When it became clear that the power of the Elders would not be enough to reclaim their homeland, Ember quickly embraced the idea of sacrificing himself to ensure the future generations of Mobley would stand a fighting chance.


OFTEN seen as shy, Miska was never sure of her place amongst the other Elders but if there was one thing that stood out it was her fierce devotion to her fellow Mobley.

After performing the ritual, Miska seemed to become one with the wind. When her powers emerged she seemed to become more sure of herself, as if this was who she was always meant to be.

Harnessing the wind, she moved faster than any thought possible. Encircling her foes, she sowed confusion among them. So fast was she, rumors began to spread that she was a ghost, her presence nothing more than a whisper on the wind.


OFTEN seen as shy, Miska was never sure of her place amongst the other Elders but if there was one thing that stood out it was her fierce devotion to her fellow Mobley.

After performing the ritual, Miska seemed to become one with the wind. When her powers emerged she seemed to become more sure of herself, as if this was who she was always meant to be.

Harnessing the wind, she moved faster than any thought possible. Encircling her foes, she sowed confusion among them. So fast was she, rumors began to spread that she was a ghost, her presence nothing more than a whisper on the wind.


KEVAN was always fascinated by the big questions in life like where the Mobley had come from. Not satisfied with answers from books, he preferred to spend his time in a lab, unlocking the mysteries of existence.

His knowledge of the natural sciences led to his skills in crafting various alchemical concoctions. From medicine to heal, to tonics enjoyed by Mobley during festivals, he could create it all.

After the ritual, his knowledge expanded tenfold. He was able to craft potions naturally without the aid of his lab, for the first time turning to powerful poisons which were swiftly distributed amongst the enemies.

The enemy began to fear the very land around them. The water was no longer safe for them to drink, the plants they foraged began to make them sick while seeming to bolster the formerly defenseless Mobley.


HAILING from The Snowy Highlands, Crystal is no stranger to the cold. Much like the Mobley that call the mountains home, she often appears to have an icy demeanor. Regardless, there is nothing she would not do to defend her fellow Mobley.

Quick to answer the call of The Elder, after the ritual was performed, Crystal soon found that she was able to command the power of ice which suited her just fine given her chilly nature and the mountains she called home.

Unlike the act first, deal with the consequences later approach taken by her comrade Ember, Crystal was calculating, preferring to take her time to strike at the enemy with fierce precision..

Spears of ice, walls of snow, and terrain turned treacherous were just a few of the tactics employed by Crystal to rout the enemy.
Now her powers have been passed on to the next Mobley to do the same.
